承担科研项目情况 (1) Al-Zn-Mg合金变温/速下位错组态诱发软化与损伤的混态效应及其宏细域建模,国家自然科学基金青年项目,52105370,30万,1/1。 (2) 高强铝合金热冲压宏/细观尺度粘塑性力学行为及成形性研究, 山东省自然科学基金青年项目,ZR2020QE168,15万,1/1。 (3) 异构TWIP钢孪生与相变的序贯耦合效应及其跨尺度建模,山东省高校优秀青年创新团队项目,2022KJ134,30万,1/4。 (4)异构合金微区位错组态诱发孪生与相变的序贯耦合效应及其跨时空尺度建模,齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)培优基金项目,2022PY032,30万,1/6。 (5) TC11激光增材制件疲劳失效机理,中国运载火箭技术研究院211厂,51.3万,1/1。
近5年主要的代表性论文、著作、专利 (1) Ning Guo, Jin Wang, Chaoyang Sun*, et al., Analysis of size dependent earing evolution in micro deep drawing of TWIP steel by using crystal plasticity modeling [J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 165: 105200. (2) Peng Huang, Ning Guo*, Wei Zhao, et al., Synergistic and competitive mechanisms of plastic anisotropy in high-efficiency laser melting deposited TC11 alloy [J].Materials Science & Engineering A, 2023, 874(145067). (3) Ning Guo*, Bingtao Tang, Jiyuan Liu, et al., Characteristic stepwise strain hardening behaviour induced by slip and twinning of large deformed copper single crystals: crystal plasticity modelling and simulation [J]. Philosophical Magazine, 2021, 101(10): 1245-1273. (4) Bingtao Tang, Haibing Li, Ning Guo*, et al., Revealing ductile/quasi-cleavage fracture and DRX-affected grain size evolution of AA7075 alloy during hot stamping process [J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 212: 106843. (5) Yunlong Zheng, Ning Guo*, Bingtao Tang, et al., Uncovering Dislocation- and Precipitate-Induced Viscoplastic Damage in Al-Zn-Mg Alloy [J]. Materials, 2023, 16(3769). 以第一发明人获授权专利: (1) 一种汽车铝合金保险杠用加工工装,专利号ZL202220684899.3。 (2) 一种汽车铝合金轮毂整形装置,专利号ZL202220685264.5。